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Neo-Con Job News Returns for Encore Appearance
(Chevy Chase, MD., N.J.N.) Welcome to the return of the Neo Con-Job News. We've been out of the public eye for quite some time due to some litigation problems with Washington, but it's time to crank up the amp, tune the six string and start making a little noise. Stay tuned as we bring you the latest news, advice and commentary on the coming revolution. Stay tuned - soon to be in a city near you.
(Chevy Chase, MD., N.J.N.) Welcome to the return of the Neo Con-Job News. We've been out of the public eye for quite some time due to some litigation problems with Washington, but it's time to crank up the amp, tune the six string and start making a little noise. Stay tuned as we bring you the latest news, advice and commentary on the coming revolution. Stay tuned - soon to be in a city near you.
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